Primul curs de SCU (modulul psihosocial) va avea loc dupa urmatorul program:
Saptamana 15-21.04.2013
Seriile 7 + 8: marti 16.04, 12-14
Seriile 5 + 6: joi 18.04, 18-20
Saptamana 22.04-28.04.2013
Seriile 1 + 3: luni 22.04, 16-18
Seriile 2 + 4: luni 22.04, 18-20
Locatie: amf.Sahia
La primul curs va fi anuntata si programarea cursurilor ramase pana la sf.semestrului.
The first course of Behavioral Sciences (psychosocial module) will take place on Wednesday Apr.24th, 12-14, at Amphitheater Sahia.
The program for the remainder courses of Behavioral Sciences will be announced at the first course.